The Hundred of Hoo Nursery recognises that every child is individual, unique and special. 

The Nursery curriculum ensures that all children:

  • Achieve the best possible outcomes and
  • Become confident young children with a growing ability to communicate their own views and are ready to make the transition into compulsory education. (Special Educational Needs Code of Practice)

Within the nursery’s curriculum all children are given opportunities and the support needed to reach their full potential and the best possible learning and development outcomes.   The environment ensures that children are safe, stimulated and cared for to the highest possible standard.

Early Years Educators quickly form strong relationships with children and spend time getting to know them as individuals which allows them to identify early any child who may need additional support or interventions.  Early identification will enable early years educators to implement strategies and interventions to support children reach their full potential.

The nursery has a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) who’s role includes:

  • Advising and supporting colleagues
  • Ensuring parents are closely involved throughout and that their insights inform action taken by the setting, and
  • Liaising with professionals or agencies beyond the setting.  (The Role of the Early Years SENCo Jan 2022)

As an early years setting we recognise the importance of supporting all children’s development including their emotional well-being and social skills to support them to become independent confident learners.  We understand the important role that working in partnership with parents brings to our setting and value any worries or concerns that parents wish to discuss with us.

In the first instance we recommend that you discuss any concerns you may have with your child’s key worker at drop off or collection time alternatively if you have any further worries or concerns or wish to discuss SEND in our nursery please do not hesitate to contact me and I will happily answer any questions or offer support and guidance.