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The Hundred of Hoo Nursery's Curriculum

The Hundred of Hoo Nursery’s curriculum is designed to teach, support and develop children’s love of learning.

We are… End Point Goals – at the HOH nursery we aspire for children to achieve the following:
Writers Copy some words and form recognisable letters
Movers Children become more confident in fundamental movements, skills such as balancing, jumping, climbing and avoiding obstacles. 
Friends / Family Know how to manage and develop secure relationships

  • self manage (know, when to ask for help)
  • conflict resolution
Story Tellers Retell a range of familiar stories and rhymes
Mathematicians Confidently understand and use number names and language correctly during independent play
Pattern Makers Notice patterns within the environment
Builders / Creators Plan and create a model independently. (Plan, do, review models they have created independently.)
Communicators Communicate needs, ideas and observations independently.
Explorers Identify similarities and differences in the world around them.

The Role of the Key Person in the delivering of the Curriculum at the Hundred of Hoo Nursery.

The role of the key person at the Hundred of Hoo nursery is the most important relationship.  The key person is responsible for planning a stimulating and enriching curriculum that challenges the child in order for them to make progress and take positive steps in their development.  The above statements will be met when a child feels secure and confident in their relationships with their key person and benefits from their support, guidance and encouragement.  Both practitioner and child enjoy each other’s company and working together ensures the best possible outcomes for children.