Welcome to Frogs Room!
There will be lots of new things to learn and we would like to ensure that your child is well prepared. Our aim is to provide a happy, stimulating environment where every child will be given the best possible opportunities to achieve their full potential and an education which will nurture their needs as individuals.
We understand that this can be a difficult time for parents and we would like to support you as much as possible to make this an enjoyable experience for you and your family.
In Frogs room your child can explore the next stages of their development whilst having lots of fun. We pride ourselves on being an exciting and engaging place to be – encouraging the children to be independent learners through a range of fun activities provided.

Frogs room routine
- 08:00 – Nursery session starts. Some activities are set out and Children are able to select some of the resources and toys in which they choose.
- 09:30 – Snack time. A variety of fruit or toast with either water or milk is offered.
- 10:00 – Circle time, this may include a group story and some singing.
- 10:30 – Free play and adult led activities
12:00 – Lunch time. A hot meal is provided where the children all sit at the table together.
13:00 – Afternoon session begins. Nap time for those children who require a little nap. For those who do not want a sleep then its play time again with a mixture of activities indoors or outside.
15:00 – Tea time. A snack is provided.
15:30 – Free play then Frogs room ends at 16:30
Nappy changing occurs at regular intervals during the day.
All children are encouraged to use the toilet frequently during the day, and wash hands throughout the day.
Outside play occurs at various times during the day.
Please also note that this timetable is only a guide and obviously some circumstances may alter throughout the day.
Our play spaces

What do you need to bring to nursery?
Children need to be dressed appropriately so that they can participate in all activities. As our learning environment is both indoors and outdoors, we ask that you make sure your child is equipped for these areas at all times of the year. Please ensure their clothing is practical and suitable for the seasonal changes. Waterproof jackets and winter clothing for cold weather, sun hats and protective clothing in the summer months and wellies for our well known wet weather. Footwear must be suitable for activities in and outside, crocs and flip flops are not suitable please. The only jewellery permitted is studs or sleepers for pierced ears. We ask that sun cream is applied before the children get to school so that they are ready for the day, this can be put in children’s bags to top up during the day.
We also ask that you provide your child with spare clothes, for any messy play or toileting accidents.
Water Bottles
Water bottles with your child’s name on them are to be brought in with your child at every session and then taken back home with you after.

Teddy Bears
During the first few weeks of your child starting, we understand the importance of them feeling comfortable,settled and most importantly happy. We are happy for them to bring in a snuggle or a comforter to play alongside them and make new friends to make their settling easier.

In Frogs room, we use tapestry as a means of communication with parents to share with you your child’s learning and experiences throughout the day. Please feel free to message us on this as a means of communication between you and us with any information you may need to let us know.
We also feed back verbally each day to inform parents of eating, sleeping and toileting habits.
Parents as Partners
We recognise the importance of parents and carers in a child’s developing stages. Parents are the child’s first educators and we greatly value any input, opinions and information you can share with us about your child’s learning and progress.
In Early Years, we are constantly observing and assessing the children. We take photographs and videos as evidence of the children’s experiences and achievements and we assess and monitor the children’s progress and highlight any areas for development. At the Hundred of Hoo Nursery we use Tapestry, which provides each individual child with an online Learning Journal where all of these observations can be recorded.
Once added to Tapestry, an email is automatically generated to parents/carers set up to that child’s account and they are informed that an observation has been added so they can have a look and add any of their own comments to it. Parents/carers can also add their own observations of their child to share progress and milestones at home. We would love for you to upload photos, drawings, writing or mark making that they can proudly share with the class.
We also encourage you to contribute to these by making small observations at home. (For example if your child’s target is to identify numbers to 10, you may notice him or her using the remote control to change the channel correctly to channel 3. This is showing us that your child can recognise the number three independently.)
HOW SECURE IS IT? Tapestry is hosted in the UK on dedicated, secure servers. These servers conform to very high safety standards and are proactively managed by a central security team. A copy of Tapestry’s Privacy Policy is available on their website.
WHO CAN ACCESS MY CHILD’S LEARNING JOURNAL? The Hundred of Hoo Nursery staff have access to the children’s Learning Journals. You will only have access to your child’s journal and this cannot be seen by other parents. However, children in the class will sometimes be photographed with others as they work together. For this reason, we will ask permission for your child to appear in photographs within other children’s Learning Journals. It is crucial that you DO NOT share photos or videos from your child’s journal on social media or through other online platforms. All parents/carers will be requested to sign a consent form and if there are any incidents where confidentiality is broken, these will result in access to the system being withdrawn.
HOW DO I LOG ON? Once you have signed and returned your consent form, you will be given your account login details. Further instructions can be found in the information packs.
All policies are available to parents; please ask a member of staff if you wish to see these.
The EYFS Curriculum
In Frogs room our children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS). This curriculum is based upon four themes and principles.
The Unique Child – We understand that every child is an individual child who is capable in their own right.
Positive Relationships – Social interaction is key to children’s development. Children become strong, independent learners; as well as scaffolding their learning through positive social interaction.
Enabling Environments – Providing a safe, secure and stimulating base for your children is key to their development. The framework allows for experiences that respond to the child’s individual needs/interests; as well as developing a strong partnership between practitioners, parents and carers.
Learning and Development – Children develop and learn in different ways. The framework covers the education and care of all children in early years provision, including children with special educational needs and disabilities.
Early Years Foundation Stage
Within `Development Matters’ there are 3 prime areas of learning and 4 specific areas. This framework provides the basis of how we structure the setting, the activities and opportunities we provide; as well as how we assess your child’s development.
- Prime Areas
- Communication and language
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Physical development
These are the areas we focus on the most within Squirrel and Frog Room.
Specific Areas
- Literacy
- Problem solving,
- Numeracy and reasoning
- Understanding the World
- Expressive arts and design
Characteristics of Effective Learning
- Playing and exploring
- Active learning
- Creating and thinking critically
Phone numbers: Please ring 01634 252334 then extension numbers as below.
Squirrel Room- 482
Frogs Room – waiting for phone
Hayley Clark Manager: 479
Mo Gregory – Office: 01634 252334 (Monday – Thursday 8am – 3pm)
If you have any questions or concerns do feel free to speak to the room supervisor or your child’s key worker.
We hope your child’s time here is a happy and exciting time at nursery.
We look forward to watching your child grow and learn.
Thank you,
Frogs Room Staff